Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Greetings on this great day of July 8th.

Thought of the day: In The Present

In The Present means you live this moment and all the moments TODAY. It's easy to get swept in the demise of the credit crunch, the mortgage meltdowns, worries about inflation, unemployment numbers, the weakness of the dollar etc... the news media has everyone worried about everything and what usually reverses such negative momentum is when people stop worrying about the past and focus on how we can impact the present.
Much of ALLIED EFFORT is to two part
1) how important it is to set goals that are based on who you are and what your purpose is in life. Write it down. Long hand.
It serves as a barometer for you. The three areas I stress is Body, Mind and Spirit.
2) ALLIED EFFORT, is that we are going to do it together. When we try to get too smart, too sophisticated, we isolate ourselves and reject the powerful, positive force that collective energy and momentum have to offer. The old saying there is strength in numbers.

In the present helps you focus on what you can do this day. This week, This month. That's it. Focus on what you can do, not what you can't do.

Have a great day. TOT

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