Greetings: on this beautiful September 30th.
Message of the Day: Beams of Light
After the chirade in the House that we witnessed yesterday, the economy eating 1.2 trillion dollars, politicians ranting and spewing venom, it's time for all of us, to stand up and lead. We can't wait for others to do it. We are begging for anyone to lead and what the world saw yesterday on global front was a theatrical play, a Shakespearean tradgedy, that was pitiful.
How myopic can our leaders be, to think this is a political war cry. You had Barack Obama, having a rally, blaming the past 8 years of this administration for corporate greed, etc.. ( not that that isn't warranted) however does he not understand, the global impact that the US Economy has. He is to be the next President! Does he not see that this problem has massive ramifications. Does he not see, that after the great depression, a world war soon enveloped. Does history have to repeat itself?
Does Pelosi not understand " her comment about let the markets hear us now". They heard and reacted and people are out of their minds. 1.2 trillion dollars. That was wall street, main street, bourbon street, where the streets have no name, street car named desire, 10 downing street. All the streets around the globe heard. The best part is. During a crisis, where did they go, all of those members in the House.
Last night a republican from Colorado mentioned how they are willing to get through this thing and work around the clock. Are you kidding me! You want to see people working around the clock,
Go back to the trade towers and see the cops and fireman, for months 24 hours a day, working like there was no tomorrow. Racing to fight time to find survivors. No one question, no one blamed, those men and woman acted. It was a sign to the world of the dilligence and passion of the American.
How about our armed service men and woman? Do they get to say" During a crisis" we need more time to evaluate this situation" Oh by the way, it's a holiday today. NO
As a matter of fact, one of the most decisive moments in the history of this planet was fought on a battlefield from Dec. 22-27 in 1944. The place was called Bastogne and its remembered for being titled " The Battle of the Bulge". Can you imagine if General McAuliffe told the Germans upon their request for surrender, instead of "Nuts", sorry boys, Christmas Holiday is approaching and we'll have to resume this conflict on the 26th. The GI's want to eat their MRE's with some egg nog.
This is a face we've shown before" Solidarity in a Crisis", not lets run out of town back to our constituents and explain how we did what you wanted and we just blew up the world, isn't that great. We just gave you nicer pillows and sheets for the titanic voyage across the Atlantic.
Leaders are supposed to lead. In John F Kennedys " Profiles in Courage, he quoted Dante from his inferno where it says' " The Hottest Places in hell, are reserved for those men, in times of great moral crisis, who maintain their neutrality and do nothing'.
Ladies and gentleman, hell got a bit more crowded yesterday after witnessing this abduction from our leadership.
Beams of Light:
This morning I saw an amazing Sun Rise. Ominous clouds enveloped the sky. All you could see were beams of light, shooting down to the water blocked by these massive dark clouds.
It was almost a metaphor to all of us. Hey there is plenty good out there in the world, don't get so bogged down by the dark clouds. The sun is right around the corner.
America has some of the brightest people in the world. Let s act like it. Let our leaders figure out a plan and act on it.
Heres a Plan:
We need to get on " THE RIGHT PATH". Start doing things daily that will move us in a forward direction.
2) FUTURE GROWTH. This nation and our economy is fueled by growth and development. Focus more on the future growth and how we are going to get there. Now we are part of the solution as opposed to part of the problem ( evidenced by this show yesterday, it was like toddlers arguing over spilled milk at the table. Pelosi in diapers on one end, the entire republican party on the other end in their huggies. Where were the adults to reprimand them both, clean up the milk and let them return to watching Noggin.)
3) ALLIED EFFORT: regardless of it all, we must do this together. I can't say I blame Obama, he is inches from the white house, he can't fall off the horse now. However, you need to lead to. What do you think is going to happen, once you get to Pennsylvania Ave. McCain, you as well.
Here is your plan, for the economy isn't as straightforward as everyone would like.
Get everyone on the Right Path, so there is hope and confidence.
Focus on Future Growth and how we will emerge on top ( seems like that is what Bernanke and Paulson were trying to do, regardless of political opinion)
Allied Effort. We are doing this together.
There is Your Foundation. Have a great day. Pray that leadership will be practiced not orated. TOT
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